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Expo Shanghai 2010

Magic Box



Project Management, Development of a Audio Diffusion Software


Idee und Klang GmbH


On behalf of Atelier Brückner, Idee und Klang realized a multi-channel composition for the Magic Box, a pavilion of Chinese energy corporation State Grid, which was built within the context of Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Magic Box is the largest 720° presentation worldwide! All four walls as well as both ceiling and floor of this cube-shaped room are completely covered with LED screens and speakers, allowing the visitor to get immersed in a three-dimensional world in the course of seven minutes. I was invited by idee und klang as the project manager to realize the audio part of this event.


Project management & concept: Atelier Brückner 
Director: Marc Tamschick
Media Production: Tamschick Media+Space, m-box-bewegtbild media
Planning: medienprojekt p2
Photos: © Roland Halbe






















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